Bachelor of Science in
Environmental Management and Technology (EVMT)
Credit Transfer & Waiver
Procedure for review before Exchange-Out:
For EVMT Students (Applying by email / in person):
- Applicants should write up a study plan (i.e. a list of courses) and send it via email to Miss Sharon Chong ( or submit it in person to the ENVR General Office (Rm 4412). The related course syllabi must be attached.
- An in-person consultation will be arranged after the submission of the study plan.
- To obtain final approval and a formal claim of the credit transfer, applicants must submit the official course grade report, the detailed course syllabus as well as the credit transfer application form in person to Miss. Sharon Chong. These course materials will be sent to our committee for final approval.
- For further enquiries, please contact our general office at Rm 4412 (Lift 17&18) or email " ".
Procedure for review after Exchange-Out:
For 3Y EVMT Students
- Applicants should submit a detailed syllabus of all completed courses, an official transcript and a credit transfer form* to the ENVR General Office (Rm 4412) no later than one month after returning to HKUST.
- If the request for a credit transfer is approved, the credit transfer form will be submitted to the ARRO directly by the division.
- A confirmation letter of approval will be sent to the applicant's corresponding address by ARRO.
- For non-ENVR courses, applicants must first obtain signatures of approval from the concerned departments/divisions. Please contact those departments/divisions for the exact procedure.
- After approval is granted by the concerned department/division, the applicant should submit the completed credit transfer form* together with the detailed syllabus to the ENVR general office.
- For procedures on transfer of credits into the Common Core, please refer to the University Common Core Program website .
*The credit transfer forms can be downloaded here
For 4Y EVMT Students
Students returning from exchange or who have completed studies elsewhere should submit any application for credit transfer no later than one month after returning to HKUST. They will need to send supporting documents to ARRO:
- A completed application form;
- Official transcript or examination certificate – original copy or true copies with finalized results and transcript notes from the external institution;
- Course descriptions – course outline including class schedules with topics, assessment criteria and the number of contact hours (lecture/tutorials), and any other information relevant to the application.
In the course of preparing their application for credit transfer, students are encouraged to consult Miss Sharon Chong ( ) for advice.
- For procedures on transfer of credits into the Common Core, please refer to the University Common Core Program website .
[ updated 20/8/2012 ]