Message from Division Head

Welcome to the Homepage of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

Every generation has its own challenges. The major challenge of our time is learning how we can prosper while living well and sustainably, to thrive harmoniously with one another and with other species, within the limits imposed by the Earth’s natural systems. While many people see the current environmental deteriorations like climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification and sustainability challenges as impossible problems, we at ENVR consider them major drivers and opportunities for innovation, smart solutions, and new lifestyles.

Our Division was established in 2010 to strengthen HKUST’s position as a global leader in multidisciplinary education and research in the areas of environment and sustainability, so that we can light the way forward in seizing opportunities and addressing the challenges of our times.

Within HKUST, ENVR is a platform for fostering existing strengths and enhancing cooperation among different academic units. It also tackles new challenges in the study, application and education of environment and sustainability sciences, technology, and policy. Outside the university, ENVR strives to become an intellectual hub where academic, government, business and community leaders can come together and develop impactful and innovative solutions for our environment and sustainability problems. For details on our vision, mission, and research interests, please visit this page.

We strive to cultivate a stimulating research and academic community that endows graduates with knowledge and skills, enabling them to become stewards of global environmental sustainability. We equip them to address economic development challenges arising from resource depletion, climate change, and population growth. We believe that an interdisciplinary emphasis on the physical, biological and social sciences constitutes a superb foundation for building effective solutions to these challenges. Led by our vision, we offer rigorous scientific and policy education through classroom lectures, field trips, internships, and independent studies. For details on our academic programs, please visit our Programs page.

The Division of Environment and Sustainability facilitates synergy among our world-class faculty members. Through them, we conduct a wide variety of interdisciplinary research to promote environmental conservatism, and encourage dialogue with policy-makers and the society at large. We also offer opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate students to engage in research and scholarships. For details on faculty research and pedagogic interests, please visit our Faculty page.

We believe in humanity’s ingenuity and adaptability, and nothing makes these traits clearer than a major challenge. Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the rapid and unprecedented changes in nearly every aspect of our life, the messy but relatively effective global response to protect the vulnerable subgroups, and the speedy delivery of effective vaccines, all highlight the flexibility and effectiveness of human collaborations.

I have every reason to believe that we can continue to rise above the environment and sustainability challenges we face, and usher in a brighter future for our kids and their children.


Alexis Lau
Head and Chair Professor
Division of Environment and Sustainability