
Bachelor of Science in
Environmental Management and Technology (EVMT)

Current Student Sharing
Words from EVMT Students

PARK Sunyu (Class of 2017)
I have always attempted to play my part to protect the environment, be it taking the extra flights of stairs, or preventing my mom from "accidentally" chucking my collection of recyclables! Yes, these conscientious habits are good - but EVMT has been a program that has breathed real meaning into them. There were classes that emphasized so pointedly the severity of climate change, resource depletion and excessive waste that I felt as if it was all doom and gloom for us! However, at the same time, other classes would help me understand that great leaders and followers are out there, striving hard for a sustainable future. Thus, through the lenses of different disciplines, EVMT has allowed me to realize that I can do much more beyond developing conscientious habits, in order to be a responsible steward on this beautiful world God has given us!


Alex Cheung (Class of 2016)
EVMT is an interdisciplinary program that gives me numerous opportunities and the freedom to explore and develop my interests and abilities. Project-based curriculum has trained me to be a communicative team player. I always enjoy the creative collaborative brainstorming sessions with my fellow EVMT classmates and students from other fields. All these serve an ultimate purpose to connect people in improving the environment; yet there is no fixed pathway to achieve it in EVMT. We create our own paths.



Serena Wong (Class of 2016)
The interdisciplinary nature of the EVMT curriculum provides me with fundamental knowledge about different study areas, and teaches me to view environmental issues from different perspectives. I often participate in thought-provoking discussions with my fellow EVMT students, and not only do I always learn something new, I also feel inspired to do more for the environment after these exchanges. EVMT provides enrichment activities such as field trips, mentoring programmes and internship opportunities, which have afforded remarkable experiences that prepare me for a fruitful future career in the green industries.


Kim Basilio (Class of 2017)
EVMT's interdisciplinary curriculum has trained me to think of different stakeholders and to understand the fundamentals of various disciplines that affect decision-making. The Division often challenges us to think outside the box and motivates us to be innovative and critical in discussing current affairs. Through this, the Division gives us an opportunity to apply the knowledge gained from classrooms to real-life scenarios. I found a family here at HKUST, and with the tremendous support from staff and students, EVMT allows each student to maximize their potential to make their own impact.