Ph.D.(2000), University of California, Irvine
Adjunct Associate Professor, Division of Environment
Adjunct Associate Professor, Management
Program Director (Global Learning), Global Student Programs Office
Tel: (852) 2358 7649
Email: pforster@ust.hk
Office: Rm 2001 (lift 4)
Research Interests
- Social impacts of technology
- Sustainable business
- Business and environment
Selected Publications
- "Octopus Smartcard: It Came From the Subway!", HKUST Case Centre, 2009
- "Climate change and international air freight.", Air Transport Research Society, Abu Dhabi, June 27-29, 2009 (with Demmer,Simson)
- "Catching the Wave at Ocean Park", HKUST Case Centre, 2008
- "Integrating sustainable development into the curriculum.", Teaching and Learning Symposium, HKUST, 2008
- "Towngas and Climate Change", HKUST Case Centre, 2007
- "DHL in China: The Role of Logistics Governance", Building Supply Chain Excellence in Emerging Economies, Chung-Yee Lee and Hau Lee, Eds., Springer, 2007 (with Leung,Kelvin)
- "Exploring the value structure behind mobile auction adoption intention", AMCIS, 2007 (with Tang,Y.)
- "Mobile Auction Adoption: Will They Come? Will They Pay?", Information Resources Management Association (IRMA), May 21-24, 2006, Washington D.C. (with Tang,Y.)"A Socio-Technical Model of Information Quality in Logistics Interorganizational Information Systems: An Empirical Study",Proceedings, CAISE'05, Second International Workshop on Data and Information Quality, Porto, Portugal,June 14, 2005
- "M-Auction Business Issues: Research-in-Progress", Hong Kong Mobility Roundtable, June 1-3, 2005 (with Tang,Y.)"A Virtual Market for Teaching Electronic Market Concepts in Information Systems Education", Journal of Information Systems Education, 16(1), 2005. (with Bodoff, D.)
- "The Role of Online Shopping and Fulfillment in the Hong Kong SARS Crisis", Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Jan 3-6, 2005 (with Tang,Y.)
- "Weblogs and Student-Centered Learning: Personal Experiences in MBA Teaching", Journal of Information Systems Education, 2005. (with Tam, T.)
- "Trust, Cooperation and Dependence and the Quality of Information in Interorganizational Information Systems", Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) 2004 Workshop, Washington D.C., December 12, 2004
- "Information technology adoption and use in non-integrated air cargo operations", Transportation Research Board 2004 Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., Jan 11-15, 2004 (with Regan, Amelia C.)
- "An information processing model of information systems impact on interorganizational coordination", Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) 2003 Workshop, Seattle, WA, December 14, 2003
- "Electronic Integration in the Air Cargo Industry: An Information Processing Model of On-Time Performance", Transportation Journal, Vol. 40, NO. 4, pp. 46-61, 2001 (with Regan, Amelia C.)
​Book Chapters
- "Standards in Heterogeneous Sectors: Lessons from the Worldwide Air Cargo Community", in Standards Policy for Information Infrastructure, Brian Kahin and Janet Abbate (eds), MIT Press, 1996 (with King, John L.)