Ph.D.(1991), Simon Frazer University
Associate Professor Emeritus, Division of Environment and Sustainability
Associate Professor Emeritus, Division of Social Science
Tel: (852) 2358 7781
Fax: (852) 2335 0014
Email: sopatch@ust.hk
Office: Room 2354 (Lift 3)
Research Interests
- Business and Environment
- Environmental Economic Geography
- Japan
- The Organization of Variety
- Sustainable Development
- Territorial and Inter-firm Cooperation
Representative Publications
- Patchell, Jerry and Roger Hayter 2016 Economic Geography: an institutional approach (Toronto: Oxford University Press) 2nd edition.
- Patchell, Jerry 2011 The Territorial Organization of Variety: cooperation and competition in Bordeaux, Napa, and Chianti Classico (Aldershot: Ashgate).
Refereed Journals
- Patchell, Jerry and Hayter Roger, “Greening the Cloud: Oligopoly-driven institutional transformations of the US electricity grid for commercial and industrial power purchases”, Cambridge Journal of Regional Economy and Society (Forthcoming 2021)
- Patchell, Jerry and Hayter, Roger. “The Cloud’s fearsome five renewable energy strategies: Coupling sustainable development goals with firm specific advantages”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 288 (2021) 125501
- Patchell, Jerry and Cheng, Christopher “Resilience of an inshore fishing population in Hong Kong: paradox and potential for sustainable fishery policy,” Marine Policy, 99 (2019): 157-169
- Patchell, Jerry. “Can the implications of the GHG Protocol's scope 3 standard be realized?” Journal of Cleaner Production. 185 (2018): 941–958.
- Patchell, Jerry and Roger Hayter. “How Big Business Can Save the Climate: Multinational Corporations Can Succeed Where Governments Have Failed.” Foreign Affairs 92 (2013): 17-22.
- Patchell, Jerry and Roger Hayter. “Environmental and evolutionary economic geography: time for EEG2?” Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 95 (2013): 111–130.
- Patchell, Jerry. "Creating the Japanese Electric Vehicle Industry: the challenges of uncertainty and cooperation." Environment & Planning A 31 (1999): 997-1016.
- Patchell, Jerry. "Kaleidoscope Economies: cooperation, competition and control in regional development.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 86 (1996): 481-506.
- Patchell, Jerry. "From Production Systems to Learning Systems: lessons from Japan.” Environment and Planning A 25 (1993): 797-815.
- Patchell, Jerry "Economic Geography: Industrial Organization.” In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography Oxford: Elsevier 2nd Editions. 2020, page 237-242.
- Hayter, Roger and Patchell, Jerry "Economic Geography: Resource Industries.” In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography Oxford: Elsevier). 2019.
- Hayter, Roger and Patchell, Jerry “Geography of Industrialization.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- Hayter, Roger and Jerry Patchell “Resources and Development.” In The Wiley-AAG International Encyclopedia of Geography Oxford: Elsevier, 2017.
- Hayter, Roger and Jerry Patchell “Resource Geography.” In International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences 2nd Edition Oxford: Elsevier, 2015 volume 19, pp. 13266–13269.