Stanley C K LAU
Ph.D.(2001), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Associate Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability
Associate Professor, Division of Life Science
Tel: (852) 2358 7329
Fax: (852) 2358 1559
Email: scklau@ust.hk
Office: CYT, Rm 5005
Research Interests
- Marine microbial ecology
- Genome composition, population genetics and ecophysiology of cryptic Escherichia in the marine environment
- Horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes
- Microbial source tracking of fecal pollution in coastal marine environment
Recent Publications
- Chen FZ, Koh XP, Tang MLY, Gan JP, *Lau SCK (2021) Microbiological assessment of ecological status in the Pearl River Estuary. Ecological Indicators 120:108084
- Shen ZY, Koh XP, Yu YP, *Lau SCK (2020) Genetic variation and signatures of divergent niche adaptation in cryptic clade II of Escherichia. Microorganisms 8:1713
- Regev Y, Davidovich V, Berzak R, Lau SCK, Scheinin AP, Tchernov D, Morick D (2020) Molecular identification and characterization of Vibrio species and Mycobacterium species in wild and cultured marine fish from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Microorganisms 8:863
- Shen, Zhiyong ; Koh, Xiu Pei ; Yu, Yanping ; Woo, Chun Fai ; Tong, Yigang ; Lau, Stanley Chun Kwan (2019). Draft Genome Sequences of 16 Strains of Escherichia Cryptic Clade II Isolated from Intertidal Sediment in Hong Kong, Microbiology Resource Announcements, v. 8, (29)
- Zhang, Xiao-Yong ; Hao, Hui-Li ; Lau, Chun Kwan Stanley; Wang, Huai-You ; Han, Yu ; Dong, Li-Mei ; Huang, Ri-Ming (2019). Biodiversity and Antifouling Activity of Fungi Associated With Two Soft Corals From the South China Sea, Archives of Microbiology, v. 201, (6), p. 757-767
- Lai, Yuet Ha ; Zhang, Hao ; Chiang, Hei Yin Miranda ; Lun, Hau In ; Zhang, Rui ; Lau, Chun Kwan Stanley (2018). The Putative Functions of Lysogeny in Mediating the Survivorship of Escherichia Coli in Seawater and Marine Sediment, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, v. 94, (2)
- Lai JYH, Zhang Hao, Chiang MHY, Lun HI, Zhang R, *Lau SCK (2018). The putative functions of lysogeny in mediating the survivorship of E. coli in seawater and marine sediment, FEMS Microbiol Ecol 63:252-259
- Liu R, Yueng TC, Ho PH, *Lau SCK (2017). Tracking the relative concentration of Bacteroidales DNA markers and culturable E. coli in fecally polluted water: potential use in differentiating between recent and aged pollution, Canadian Journal of Microbiology 63:252-259
- Shao WG, Zhang M, Lam H, *Lau SCK (2015). A peptide identification-free, genome sequence-independent shotgun proteomics workflow for strain-level bacterial differentiation, Scientific Reports. 5:14337
- Liu RL, Cheng KHF, Wong K, Cheng SCS, *Lau SCK (2015). Differential utility of the Bacteroidales DNA and RNA markers in the tiered approach for microbial source tracking in subtropical seawater, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 99:5669-81
- Lau SCK, Zhang R, Brodie EL, Piceno YM, Andersen G, Liu WT (2013). Diversity and biogeography of bacterioplanktons in the tropical seawaters of Singapore, FEMS Microbiol Ecology 84:259-269
- Du J, Cheng Hf, Wong KTM, *Lau SCK (2012). A microcosm study on the die-off response of the indicator bacteria, Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis. In Microbes in Applied Research: Current Advances and Challenges, World Scientific Publishing Co., p. 3-7
- Thiyagarajan V, Lau SCK, Tsoi M, Zhang W, Qian PY (2010). Monitoring bacterial biodiversity in surface sediment using Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism analysis (T-RFLP): application to coastal environment. Ishimatsu A and Lie HJ (Eds.), Coastal Environmental and Ecosystem Issues of the East China Sea. TERRAPUB and Nagasaki University, pp. 151–163.