Kezheng LIAO
PhD in Chemistry (2023), HKUST
Research Assistant Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability
Tel: (852) 3469 2946
Email: liaokezheng@ust.hk
Office: CYT5011
Research Area
Atmospheric chemistry and air pollution
Research Interests
- Source apportionment of air pollutants
- Organic aerosols and its chemical characteristics
- Atmospheric brown carbon and its optical properties
- Chemical transport models and kinetic models
- Applications of statistical models and machine learning techniques
Recent Publications
- Liao, K., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Lu, X., Fung, J. C. H., Ying, Q.*, & Yu, J. Z.* (2023). Regional source apportionment of trace metals in fine particulate matter using an observation-constrained hybrid model. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6, 65. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612-023-00393-4
- Liao, K., Wang, Q., Wang, S., & Yu, J. Z.* (2023). Bayesian inference approach to quantify primary and secondary organic carbon in fine particulate matter using major species measurements. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(13), 5169-5179. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c09412
- Chow, W. S., Liao, K., Huang, X. H., Leung, K. F., Lau, A. K., & Yu, J. Z.* (2022). Measurement report: The 10-year trend of PM2.5 major components and source tracers from 2008 to 2017 in an urban site of Hong Kong, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(17), 11557-11577. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-22-11557-2022
- Liao, K., Park, E. S., Zhang, J., Cheng, L., Ji, D., Ying, Q.*, & Yu, J. Z.* (2021). A multiple linear regression model with multiplicative log-normal error term for atmospheric concentration data. Science of The Total Environment, 767, 144282. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144282
- Liao, K., & Yu, J. Z.* (2020). Abundance and sources of benzo[a]pyrene and other PAHs in ambient air in Hong Kong: A review of 20-year measurements (1997–2016). Chemosphere, 259, 127518. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127518