
Dasa GU

Assistant Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability

Tel: 2358 8789
Office: Room 4367 (Lift 13/15)
Link(s): Personal Home Page

Research Area

Regional air pollution and global climate change are critical challenges to the whole human society, and impact profoundly on economy and lives of human beings. One of most important uncertainties in the relevant researches depends on the accuracy of the source estimations on major air pollutants and their precursors. My long-range goal is to pursue a career in academia as a ‘life-minded’ environmental scientist who understands how the air quality varies on both regional and global scales and how our lives are thereby affected. In the previous researches, I integrated laboratory, outfield, airborne and satellite observations to quantitively estimate multi-scale Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) emissions, and investigated their impacts with numerical modeling. At present I am interested in the sensitivity of air quality and climate change on VOC emissions, and processes controlling the Biosphere-Atmosphere interactions.

Research Interests

  • Air pollutant emissions
  • Numerical modeling
  • Satellite remote sensing
  • Trace gas measurements
Recent Publications
  • D. Jeong, R. Seco, L. Emmons, R. Schwantes, Y. Liu, K. McKinney, S. Martin, F. Keutsch, D. Gu, A. Guenther, O. Vega, J. Tota, R. Souza, S. Springston, T. Watson, and S. Kim. Reconciling Observed and Predicted Tropical Rainforest OH Concentrations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2020JD032901,, 2022.
  • M. Zhang, C. Zhao, Y. Yang, Q. Du, Y. Shen, S. Lin, D. Gu, W. Su, and C. Liu. Modeling sensitivities of BVOCs to different versions of MEGAN emission schemes in WRF-Chem (v3.6) and its impacts over eastern China. Geoscientific Model Development, 14, 6155–6175,, 2021.
  • D. Sanchez, R. Seco, D. Gu, A. Guenther, J. Mak, Y. Lee, D. Kim, J. Ahn, D. Blake, S. Herndon, D. Jeong, J. Sullivan, T. Mcgee, R. Park, and S. Kim. Contributions to OH reactivity from unexplored volatile organic compounds measured by PTR-ToF-MS – a case study in a suburban forest of the Seoul metropolitan area during the Korea–United States Air Quality Study (KORUS-AQ) 2016, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 6331–6345,, 2021.
  • S. Kim, R. Seco, D. Gu, D. Sanchez, D. Jeong, A. B. Guenther, Y. Lee, J. E. Mak, L. Su, D. B. Kim, J. Ahn, J. Sullivan, T. Mcgee, R. Long, W. H. Brune, A. Thames, A. Wisthaler, M. Müller, A. Weinheimer, T. Mikoviny, M. Yang, J. Woo, S. Kim, and H. Park. The roles of suburban forest in controlling vertical trace gas and OH reactivity distributions - a case study for Seoul Metropolitan Area. Faraday Discussions, 226, 537–550, DOI: 10.1039/D0FD00081G, 2021.
  • L. Li, A. Guenther, D. Gu, R. Seco, S. Nagalingam. Impact of short-term drought stress on volatile organic compounds emissions from Pinus massoniana. China Environmental Science, 40(9), 3776~3780, 2020.
  • D. Jeong, R. Seco, D. Gu, Y. Lee, B. Nault, C. Knote, T. Mcgee, J. Sullivan, J. Jimenez, P. Campuzano-Jost, D. Blake, D. Sanchez, A. Guenther, D. Tanner, L. Huey, R. Long, B. Anderson, S. Hall, K. Ullmann, H. Shin, S. Herndon, Y. Lee, D. Kim, J. Ahn, S. Kim. Integration of Airborne and Ground Observations of Nitryl Chloride in the Seoul Metropolitan Area and the Implications on Regional Oxidation Capacity During KORUS-AQ 2016. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 12779–12795,, 2019.
  • C. Batista, J. Ye, I. Ribeiro, P. Guimarães, A. Medeiros, R. Barbosa, R. Oliveira, S. Duvoisin Jr., K. Jardine, D. Gu, A. Guenther, K. McKinney, L. Martins, R. A. F. Souza, S. Martin. Intermediate-scale horizontal isoprene concentrations in the near-canopy forest atmosphere and implications for emission heterogeneity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1904154116, 2019.
  • L. Li, A. Guenther, D. Gu, R. Seco, S. Nagalingam. Biogenic emission profile of volatile organic compounds from poplar, sweetgum, and pine trees. China Environmental Science, 39(12): 4966-4973, 2019.
  • L. Li, A. Guenther, S. Xie, D. Gu, R. Seco, S. Nagalingam, D. Yan. Evaluation of semi-static enclosure technique for rapid surveys of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emission measurements. Atmospheric Environment,, 2019.
  • ​K. McKinney, D. Wang, J. Ye, J. de Fouchier, P. Guimarães, C. Batista, R. Souza, E. Alves, D. Gu, A. Guenther, S. Martin. A sampler for atmospheric volatile organic compounds by copter unmanned aerial vehicles. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12, 3123-3135,, 2019.
  • M. Shrivastava, M. Andreae, P. Artaxo, H. Barbosa, L. Berg, J. Brito, J. Ching, R. Easter, J. Fan, J. Fast, Z. Feng, J. Fuentes, M. Glasius, A. Goldstein, E. Gomes, H. Gomes, D. Gu, A. Guenther, S. Jathar, S. Kim, Y. Liu, S. Lou, S. Martin, V. McNeill, A. Medeiros, S. de Sá, J. Shilling, S. Springston, R.F. Souza, J. Thornton, G. Isaacman-VanWertz, L. Yee, R. Ynoue, R. Zaveri, A. Zelenyuk, C. Zhao. Urban pollution greatly enhances formation of natural aerosols over the Amazon rainforest. Nature Communications, 10(1):1046, doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-08909-4, 2019.
  • F. Santos, K. Longo, A. Guenther, S. Kim, D. Gu, D. Oram, G. Forster, J. Lee, J. Hopkins, J. Brito, and S. Freitas. Biomass burning emission disturbances of isoprene oxidation in a tropical forest. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 12715-12734,, 2018.
  • E. Alves, J. Tóta, A. Turnipseed, A. Guenther, J. Bustillos, R. Santana, G. Cirino, J. Tavares, B. Nelson, R. Souza, D. Gu, T. Stavrakou, D. Adams, J. Wu, S. Saleska, and A. Manzi. Leaf phenology as one important driver of seasonal changes in isoprene emission in central Amazonia. Biogeosciences, 15, 4019-4032,, 2018.
  • W. H. Chen, A. B. Guenther, X. M. Wang, Y. Chen, D. Gu, M. Chang, S. Z. Zhou, L. L. Wu, Y. Q. Zhang. Regional to global biogenic isoprene emission responses to changes in vegetation from 2000 to 2015. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 3757–3771, doi:10.1002/ 2017JD027934, 2018.
  • D. Gu, A. B. Guenther, J. Shilling, H. Yu, M. Huang, C. Zhao, Q. Yang, S. Martin, P. Artaxo, S. Kim, R. Seco, T. Stavrakou, K. Longo, J. Tota, R. A. de Souza, O. Vega, Y. Liu, M. Shrivastava, E. Alves, F. Santos, G. Leng and Z. Hu. Airborne observations reveal elevational gradient in tropical forest isoprene emissions. Nature Communications, 8, 15541, doi:10.1038/ncomms15541, 2017.
  • H. Yu, A. Guenther, D. Gu, C. Warneke, J. DeGouw, C. Geron, A. Goldstein, T. Karl, L. Kaser, P. Misztal, and B. Yuan. Airborne measurements of isoprene and monoterpene emissions from southeastern U.S. forests. Science of the Total Environment, 595, 149-158, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.262, 2017.