Chi Ming SHUN 岑智明
Adjunct Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability
Silver Bauhinia Star
Tel: (852) 2358 8041
Email: cmshun@ust.hk
Office: Room 4332 (Lift 3)
Link(s): Personal Home Page
Mr Shun Chi-ming graduated from the University of Hong Kong in Bachelor of Science, with major in Physics. He joined the Hong Kong Observatory in 1986. He received post-graduate training in radiological protection and meteorology in the United Kingdom in 1987-88. Mr Shun specialized in aeronautical meteorology since the 1990s and led the development of the world-first LIDAR Windshear Alerting System for the Hong Kong International Airport. Mr Shun was promoted to Director of the Hong Kong Observatory in 2011 and retired in 2020.
In the international arena, Mr Shun was President of the Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology of the UN World Meteorological Organization during 2010-2018, the first Asian elected to take up this high international position. He was also the Vice-Chairman of the Asia/Pacific Communications, Navigation and Surveillance / Meteorology Sub-Group, in charge of Meteorology, of the UN International Civil Aviation Organization during 2003-2009.
After retirement, Mr Shun has been active in popularization of science and meteorology, as a writer of books, columnist on climate change, and speaker for schools and professional bodies. He also co-organized HKUST’s Climate Adaptation and Resilience Conference (CARE2022). In May 2023, Mr Shun was appointed member of the Council for Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Development.
Research Areas
- Weather disasters
- Climate change
- History
- Science education
Research Interests
- Historical weather disasters
- Climate adaptation and resilience
- Climate risk assessment
- Windshear detection
- Science popularization
- Heritage
Representative Publications
- 岑智明(文)、張志偉(文)、步葵(圖)、STEM Sir(總監修)及娜歌妮(劇本分鏡)(2023):《CMS天文調查隊》第二期《白色冰極 黑色太陽》,Plug Media Services Limited,95頁。
- 岑智明、蕭險峰及劉國偉(2023):九龍城上帝古廟前世今生,《窩打老道:九龍動脈通獅山》第十章,中華書局,300-328頁。
- Christine Loh, Chi Ming Shun and Alexis Lau (2023): CARE2022 Hong Kong Conference: Summary Report and Policy Recommendations, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, February 2023, 86pp.
- Hing Yim Mok, Chi Ming Shun, Stephen Davies, Wing Hong Lui, Dick Shum Lau, Kai Chun Cheung, Kwan Yin Kong, Sai Tick Chan (2022): A historical re-analysis of the calamitous midget typhoon passing through Hong Kong on 18 September 1906 and its storm surge impact to Hong Kong, Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, Volume 11, Issue 3, September 2022, 174-218.
- 岑智明(文)、張志偉(文)、步葵(圖)、STEM Sir(總監修)及娜歌妮(劇本分鏡)(2022):《CMS天文調查隊》第一期《天文台的神秘石柱》,Plug Media Services Limited,173頁。
- 岑智明(主編)(2022): 《颱風解密:你也可以做天氣達人》, 萬里機構出版有限公司, 227頁.
- 岑智明(2021):天文台台長與歷史風災,《彌敦道上:金光舊夢換新顏》第四章,中華書局,92-121頁。
- Stephen Davies, Shun Chi-Ming & Yip Tsan-Pong (2021): Hong Kong’s Meridian Marks – traces of time past, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong, Vol. 61, 2021.
- Siu, Him-Fung, Shun Chi-Ming & Lau Kwok-Wai (2020): A Study of the Original Site of the Sheung Tai Temple in Kowloon City, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong, Vol. 60, 2020.
- Lui, W.H., T.C. Lee & C.M. Shun (2018): Evolution of the Tropical Cyclone Warning Systems in Hong Kong since 1884, Hong Kong Observatory Technical Note No. 109.
- Leung, Marco Y.T. Wen Zhou, Chi-Ming Shun & Pak-Wai Chan (2018): Large-scale circulation control of the occurrence of low-level turbulence at Hong Kong International Airport, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 35, 435-444.
- Shun, C.M. and S.M. Lee (2017): The Science of Climate Change and Its Relevance to Hong Kong, Biennial Journal of Hong Kong Electrical Contractors' Association Limited, vol. 18, p.84-90.
- Li, Richard C.Y., Wen Zhou, C.M. Shun & Tsz Cheung Lee (2017): Change in Destructiveness of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones over China in Recent Decades, Journal of Climate, vol. 30, p.3367-3379, 2017.
- Chan, S.T. and C.M. Shun (2017): Use of Big Data in Weather Services – Past, Present and Future Challenges, 2017 Symposium on Engineering and Operation Excellence through Technology Innovation, Hong Kong, 19 May 2017.
- Cheung, H.H.N., W. Zhou, M.Y.T. Leung, C.M. Shun, S.M. Lee & H.W. Tong (2016), A strong phase reversal of the Arctic Oscillation in midwinter 2015/2016: Role of the stratospheric polar vortex and tropospheric blocking, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 121, p.13443-13457, 2016.
- Shun, C.M. and S.M. Lee (2017): Global Warming - Present and Future Challenges, Symposium on eCO2 Management - A Paradigm Shift, 25 May 2012.
- Shun, C.M. (2013): The Hong Kong Observatory - Through Science We Serve, World Meteorological Organization Bulletin, Volume 62 (2) 2013.
- Lee, T.C., C.M. Shun and S.M. Lee (2013): Grasping our Climate Resources for Sustainable Development, 2013 Symposium on Sustainability Management - Smart Use of Energy and Water for a Better Environment, Hong Kong, 24 May 2013.
- Chan, P.W., J. Wurman, C.M. Shun, P. Robinson & K. Kosib (2012): Application of a method for the automatic detection and Ground-Based Velocity Track Display (GBVTD) analysis of a tornado crossing the Hong Kong International Airport, Atmospheric Research, 106, 18 – 29.
- Shun, C.M. & Sandy M.K. Song (2010): New Meteorological Services Supporting Air Traffic Management, International Civil Aviation Organization Journal ─ APAC Regional Report, December 2010.
- Shun, C.M., Ian Lisk, Carr McLeod & Kevin L. Johnston (2009): Meteorological Services to Aviation, World Meteorological Organization Bulletin, Volume 58, No. 2, p.94-103, April 2009.
- Shun, C. M. & P. W. Chan (2008): Applications of an Infrared Doppler Lidar in Detection of Wind Shear, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, volume 25, issue 5, p.637 – 655.
- Shun, C.M. (2004): Wind Shear and Turbulence Alerting at Hong Kong International Airport, World Meteorological Organization Bulletin, Volume 53, No.4, October 2004.
- Shun, C.M., S.Y. Lau & O.S.M. Lee (2003): Terminal Doppler Weather Radar Observation of Atmospheric Flow over Complex Terrain during Tropical Cyclone Passages, Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 42, p. 1697-1710, 2003.
- Lee, O.S.M. & C.M. Shun (2003): Observation of sea breeze interactions at and near Hong Kong International Airport, Meteorological Applications, Vol. 10, p.p. 1-9, 2003.
- Shun, C.M. (2003): Ongoing research in Hong Kong has led to improved wind shear and turbulence alerts, International Civil Aviation Organization Journal, Volume 58, Number 2, March 2003.