Adjunct Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability
Tel: (852) 2358 8363
Email: carychan@ust.hk
Office: Rm 4412 (Lift 17-18)
Research Area
Green and sustainable built environment
Research Interests
Building energy efficiency, managing climate change relating to built environment
- H. Wang, Y. Chen, C.W.H. Chan, J. Qin, “A Robust Fault Detection and Diagnosis Strategy for Pressure-independent VAV Terminals of Real Office Buildings”, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 43, pp. 1774-1783.
- Haitao Wang, Youming Chen, Cary W.H. Chan, Jianying Qin, “An Online Fault Diagnosis Tool of VAV Terminals for Building Management and Control System”, Automation in Construction, 2011.
- Haitao Wang, Youming Chen, Cary W.H. Chan, Jianying Qin, “A Model-based Online Fault Detection Method for Air Handling Units of Real Office Buildings”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 90-93 (2011), pp. 3061-3067.
- Shibai Cheng, Youming Chen, Cary W.H. Chan, Tony Lee, Ho Lam Chan, Jianying Qin, Qiang Zhou, Allan Cheung, Kenny Yu, “A Robust Control Strategy for VAV AHU Systems and Its Application”, 3rd International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation (3CA 2011), Zhuhai, China, November 19-20, 2011.
- Wang Haitao, Chen Youming, Wang Jinhua, Chan W. H., Qin Jianying, “A Study on Fault Detection and Diagnosis for VAV Air-handling Units of Real Buildings”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil engineering, Lushan, China, 2011, 22-24: 4759-4762.
- Haitao Wang, Cary W.H. Chan, Jianying Qin, Allan Cheung, Kenny Yu, Ho Lam Chan, Youming Chen, “An Online Fault Diagnosis Tool of VAV Terminals in Real Office Buildings”, Hunan – Hong Kong Joint Symposium 2011, pp. 87-95.
- 王海涛, 陈友明, 陈永康, 秦建英, “真实建筑中变风量空调末端装置故障在线检测与诊断研究”, 建筑科学2010,V26(10):209-211。
- 张楠, 陈友明, 陈永康, 秦建英, “基于能耗目标函数的空调新风量寻优控制研究”, 湖南大学学报(已接受)
- W.H. Chan, C.K. Sze, J.P. Wu, S.Y. Chan, H.W. Cai, C. Chang and J.Y. Qin, “Control Performance Improvement of HVAC Terminals to Enhance Plant Efficiency”, The First Greater Pearl River Delta Conference on Building Operation and Maintenance: Sustainable and Value-for-money Built Facilities, 22 Oct. 2010, Hong Kong
- 常晟, 魏庆芃, 蔡宏武, 常良, 陈永康, 吴稼培, 陈盛业, “空调系统节能优化运行与改造案例研究(1): 冷水机组”, 暖通空调2010年第8期
- 常晟, 魏庆芃, 蔡宏武, 常良, 陈永康, 吴稼培, 陈盛业, “空调系统节能优化运行与改造案例研究(2): 冷水系统”, 暖通空调2010年第8期
- 常晟, 魏庆芃, 蔡宏武, 常良, 陈永康, 吴稼培, 陈盛业, “空调系统节能优化运行与改造案例研究(3): 空调机组”, 暖通空调2010年第8期
- 沈启, 魏庆芃, 陈永康, “空调系统节能优化运行与改造案例研究(4): 冷却塔”, 暖通空调2010年第8期
- 王海涛, 陈友明, 陈永康, 秦建英, “变风量空调末端装置故障检测诊断技术及应用研究”, 第三届空调模拟分析学术交流会, 2009年12月18日, 清华大学
- 陈永康, “香港’又一城’冷冻水系统的节能控制”, 建筑科学2008年第4期
- 陈永康, 李绍宜, 秦建英, “香港’林肯’大厦空调一次泵系统变流量改造”,建筑科学2007年第12期
- Jianying Qin, Shengwei Wang, Cary Chan and Fu Xiao, “Commissioning and Diagnosis of VAV Air-conditioning Systems”, The 6th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operation, Nov. 2006, Shen Zhen, China.
- Cary Chan, Tony Lee and Jean Qin, “Conversion of Single-loop Chilled Water System to Variable Flow for Improved Energy and Control Performance”, Efficient Built Environment for Tomorrow – Hong Kong Joint Symposium 2006.
- F.W. Yu, H.Y. Chu, K.T. Chan, Cary W.H. Chan, Paul S.K. Sat, “Low Energy Operating Strategies for Air-cooled Chillers Serving an Office Building”, Sichuan – Hong Kong Joint Symposium 2006.
- Leonard Chow, Cary Chan and K.L. Chan, “Energy Efficiency Experience with a Successful Performance Contract – Island Place Shopping Centre”, Sichuan – Hong Kong Joint Symposium 2006.
- Cary W.H. Chan, “Innovative Chiller Control System at Festival Walk”, ASHRAE Technical Award 2006 – Honorable Mention Winner (published in ASHRAE Journal, 2006)
- Michael Leung, Godwin Lai, W.H. Chan, J.Y.Qin & S.Y. Lee, “Sponge-Ball Automatic Tube Cleaning Device for Saving Energy in a Chiller”, International Energy Journal, Vol.3(1) pp35-43, June 2002.
- K.F.Yee, Francis W.H.Yik, Cary W.H. Chan & Himson Y.T. Chan, “A Study on the Energy Saving of Converting a VAV System from Inlet Guide Vane to Variable Fan Speed Control”, HKIE Transaction, Vol.9(2), pp1-7, August 2002.
- Francis W.H. Yik, Kevin Edmunds & Cary W.H. Chan, “Building Energy Efficiency Assessments in Hong Kong and the Way Forward”, HKIE Transactions, Vol.8(2) pp.33-39, August 2001.
- Francis W.H. Yik, K.F.Yee, Paul S.K. Sat & Cary W.H. Chan, “A Detailed Energy Audit for a Commercial Office Building in Hong Kong”, HKIE Transaction, Vol.5(3), pp84-88, December 1998.