Prof. Fungs Publications


Journal Publications



Wang, J., S. Cao, T.K.T. Tse, S.W. Li, J.C.H. Fung, and Y. Li (2025) A novel life-cycle analysis framework to assess the performances of tall buildings considering the climate change. Engineering Structures,

Li, G. P. Xu, Z.H. Zheng, and J.C.H. Fung (2025) Improved crop-specific NOx emissions from croplands in Southeast Asia over 1980−2019. Environmental Science and Technology,

Huang, Y., X. Lu, Z. Li, J.C.H. Fung, Y. Wang, and Y. Chen (2025) Direct radiative effects of black carbon and brown carbon from Southeast Asia biomass burning with the WRF-CMAQ two-way coupled model. Environmental Pollution,

 Mai, Y., V. Cheung, P.K.K. Louie, K. Leung, J.C.H. Fung, A.K.H. Lau, D.R. Blake, and D. Gu (2025) Characterization and source apportionment of volatile organic compounds in Hong Kong: A 5-year study for three different archetypical sites. Journal of Environmental Sciences,



Ahmad N., C. Lin, A.K.H. Lau, J. Kim, C.C. Li, K. Qin, C.S. Zhao, J. Lin, J.C.H. Fung & Y. Li (2024) Effects of meteorological conditions on the mixing height of Nitrogen dioxide in China using new-generation geostationary satellite measurements and machine learning.  Chemosphere,

Xu, P., G. Li, Y. Zheng, J.C.H. Fung, A. Chen, Z. Zeng, H. Shen, M. Hu, J. Mao, Y. Zheng, X.  Cui, Z. Guo, Y. Chen, L. Feng, S. He, X. Zhang, A.K.H. Lau, S. Tao, & B.Z. Houlton (2024) Fertilizer management for global ammonia emission reduction. Nature,

Liu, H., J.C.H. Fung, A.K.H. Lau, & Z. Li (2024) Enhancing quantitative precipitation estimation of NWP model with fundamental meteorological variables and transformer based deep learning model. Earth and Space Science, 11, e2023EA003234.

Lin, C., K.K.P. Louie, A.K.H. Lau, J.C.H. Fung, Z. Yuan, M. Tao, X. Zhang, M.S. Hossain, C.C. Li, & X.W. Lao (2024) Net effect of air pollution controls on health risk in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region during the 2022 winter Olympics and Paralympics. Journal of Environmental Sciences,

Li. Z., J.C.H. Fung, M.F. Wong, S. Lin, F. Cai, W. Lai & A.K.H. Lau (2024) Future changes in intense tropical cyclone hazards in the Pearl River Delta region: An air-wave-ocean coupled model study. Natural Hazards,

Mai Y.C., V. Cheung, P.K.K. Louie, K. Leung, J.C.H. Fung, A.K.H. Lau, D.R. Blake & D. Gu (2024) Characterization and source apportionment of volatile organic compounds in Hong Kong: a 5-year study for three different archetypical sites. Environmental Sciences,

Li, L., Y. He, W. Chen, Y. Ji, J.C.H. Fung & A.K.H. Lau (2024) An Integrated Experimental and CFO Analysis of Ceiling-Fan-Integrated Air Conditioning System: Indoor Air Quality and Air Velocity. Building and Environment, 258,

Wang, Q., Y. Chen, X. Lu, G. Chen, Z. Li, M. Cai, C. Ren & J.C.H. Fung (2024) Urbanization impact on meteorological condition and O3 concentration under past and future climates scenarios over the Greater Bay Area in Southern China. Atmospheric Environment,

Shi, X., Y. Liu, J. Chen, H. Chen, Y. Wang, Z. Lu, R.Q. Wang, J.C.H. Fung & C.W.W. Ng (2024) Escalating tropical cyclone precipitation extremes and landslide hazards in South China under Global Warming. Climate and Atmosphere Science 7:107,

Zhang, W.L., J.C.H. Fung & M.M.F. Wong (2024) An improved non-local planetary boundary layer parameterization scheme in Weather Forecasting and Research model based on a 1.5-order turbulence closure model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

He, J.Y., P.W. Chan, Z.F. Liu, J.C.H. Fung and Q.S. Li (2024) Observation of wind and thermos- dynamic structure within an urban boundary layer. Phys. Fluids, 36, 086603,

Li, L., Y. He, Y. Ji, J.C.H. Fung and A.K.H. Lau (2024) Development of a mixed chamber Experimental and CFD database of indoor environments. Building and Environment, 111931,

Chen, Y, X. Lu and J.C.H. Fung (2024) Spatiotemporal source apportionment of ozone pollution over the Greater Bay Area. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24,

Ahmad, N, C. Lin, A.K.H. Lau, J. Kim, T.S. Zhang, F. Yu, C.C. Li, Y. Li, J.C.H. Fung, and X.Q. Lao (2024) Estimation of ground-level NO2 and its spatiotemporal variations in China using GEMS measurements and a nested machine learning model. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24,

Li, Y., Z. Lu, X. Zhang, Q. Zhang, H. Xu, J.C.H. Fung and G. Daigger (2024) Multiobjective Spatial Optimization Framework for Determining the Optimal Degree of Decentralization for Nonpotable Water Reuse in Existing Cities: A Case Study of Hong Kong.  Environmental Science and Technology,



Li, T., H. Chen, J.C.H. Fung, D.H.L. Chan, A.L.C. Yu, K.K.M. Leung and J.Z. Yu (2023) Large presence of bromine and toxic metals in ambient fine particles from urban fires. Atmospheric Environment, 295,

Che, W.W., Y. Zhang, C. Lin, Y.H. Fung, J.C.H. Fung and A.K.H. Lau (2023) Impacts of pollution heterogeneity on population exposure in dense urban areas using ultra-fine resolution air quality data. Journal of Environmental Sciences,

Su, L., X. Sun, Y. Du, J.C.H. Fung, and G.X. Chen (2023) The roles of local convergences in the convection initiation of a record-breaking rainfall event at the coastal Pearl River Delta in South China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,

Chen, Y., J.C.H. Fung, D. Yuan, W. Chen, T. Fung and X. Lu (2023) Development of an integrated machine-learning and data assimilation framework for NOx emission inversion, Science of The Total Environment, 871,

Huang, Y., X. Lu, J.C.H. Fung, D.C. Wong, Z. Li, Y. Chen and W. Chen (2023) Investigating Southeast Asian biomass burning by the WRF-CMAQ two-way coupled model: Emission and direct aerosol radiative effects. Atmospheric Environment, 294,

Wang, Y., Z. Zhang, W.S. Chow, Z. Wang, J.Z. Yu, J.C.H. Fung and X. Shi (2023). Investigating the effect of aerosol uncertainty on convective precipitation forecasting in South China's coastal area. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128,

Li, L., Y. He, H. Zhang, J.C.H. Fung and A.K.H. Lau (2023) Enhancing IAQ, thermal comfort, and energy efficiency through an adaptive multi-objective particle swarm optimizer-grey wolf optimization algorithm for smart environmental control. Building and Environment, 235,

Liao, K., J. Zhang, Y. Chen, X. Lu, J.C.H. Fung, Q. Ying and J.Z. Yu (2023) Regional source apportionment of trace metals in fine particulate matter using an observation-constrained hybrid model. Clim Atmos Sci, 6,

Chen, W.Y., X. Lu, D. Yuan, Y. Chen, Z. Li, Y. Huang, T. Fung, H. Sun, and J.C.H. Fung (2023) Global PM2.5 Prediction and Associated Mortality to 2100 under Different Climate Change Scenarios. Environmental Science & Technology, doi/10.1021/acs.est.3c03804.

Li, J., S.C.H. Ho, S.M. Griffith, Y. Huang, R.K.Y. Cheung, M. Hallquist, .M. Hallquist, P. K.K. Louie, J.C.H. Fung, A.K.H. Lau, and J.Z. Yu (2023) Concurrent measurements of nitrate at urban and suburban sites identify local nitrate formation as a driver for urban episodic PM2.5 pollution. Science of the Total Environment, 897,

Wang, R., L. Su, W.K. Wong, A.K.H. Lau, and J.C.H. Fung (2023) Skillful radar-based heavy rainfall nowcasting using task-segmented generative adversarial network. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, doi/10.1109/TGRS.2023.3295211.

Lin, C., J.C.H. Fung, C. Ren, E.Y.Y. Ng, Y. Li, Y. He, K.K.M. Leung, Z. Ning, A.K.H. Lau (2023) Horizontal flux of ozone in the planetary boundary layer in Hong Kong using wind LiDAR measurements. Atmospheric Environment,

Li, X., D. Gu, T.L. Hohenberger, Y.H. Fung, J.C.H. Fung, A.K.H. Lau and Z. Liang (2023) Dynamic quantification of on-road emissions in Hong Kong: Impact from traffic congestion and fleet composition variation. Atmospheric Environment, doi/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.120059.

Zuo, Z.P., J.C.H. Fung, Z. Li, Y. Huang, M.F. Wong, A.K.H. Lau, X. Lu (2023) Projection of future heatwaves in the Pearl River Delta through CMIP6-WRF dynamical downscaling. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.

Wang, J., K.T. Tse, S. Li and J.C.H. Fung (2023) A Model of the sea-land transition of the mean wind profile in the tropical cyclone boundary layer considering climate changes. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 14(3),

Su, L., J.L. Li, W.K. Wong and J.C.H. Fung (2023) Long-term trends in pre-summer daytime and nocturnal extreme hourly rainfall in a coastal city of south China. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 29, doi:10.46267/j.1006-8775.2023.004.

Li, Z., W. Che, M.S. Hossain, J.C.H. Fung and A.K.H. Lau (2023) Relative contributions of ambient air and internal sources to multiple air pollutants in public transportation modes. Environmental Pollution,

Wang, R., J.C.H. Fung and A.K.H. Lau (2023) Physical-dynamic-driven AI-synthetic precipitation nowcasting using task-segmented generative model. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2023GL106084.

Feng, X., J. Guo, Z. Wang, D. Gu, K.F. Ho, Y. Chen, K. Liao, V. Cheung, P.K.K. Louie, K. Leung, J. Yu, J.C.H. Fung, A.K.H. Lau (2023) Investigation of the multi-year trend of surface ozone and ozone-precursor relationship in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment,



Li, L., Y. Zhang, J.C.H. Fung, H. Qu and A.K.H. Lau (2022) A coupled computational fluid dynamics and back-propagation neural network-based particle swarm optimizer algorithm for predicting and optimizing indoor air quality. Building and Environment,

Chen Y.H., D. Yuan, W.Y. Chen, M.Y. Hu, J.C.H. Fung, H.C. Sun and X.C. Lu (2022) Estimation and variation analysis of secondary inorganic aerosols across the Greater Bay Area in 2005 and 2015. Chemosphere,

Hu M.Y., Y. Chen, D.H. Yuan, R. Yu, X.C. Lu, J.C.H. Fung, W.Y. Chen, Y.Q. Huang and A.K.H. Lau (2022) Estimation and spatiotemporal analysis of NO2 pollution in East Asia during 2001-2016. J. Geophysical Research - Atmosphere. doi:10.1029/2021JD035129.

Wang, Q. Z. Lin, J.L. Niu, G.K.Y. Choi, J.C.H. Fung, A.K.H. Lau, P. Louie, K.K.M. Leung, J.X. Huang, P. Cheng, P.C. Zhao, W.Z. Chen, Z. Sheng, L. Fu, P.W. Chan, A.H. Wong, H. Tse, S.C.Y. Wong, R.W.M. Lai, D.S.C. Hui, K.Y. Yuen and D.C. Lung (2022) Spread of SARS-CoV-2 aerosols via two connected drainage stacks in a high-rise housing outbreak of COVID-19. J. Hazardous Materials,

Zhang, X., J. Stocker, K. Johnson, Y.H. Fung, T. Yao, C. Hood, D. Carruthers, and J.C.H. Fung* (2022) Implications of mitigating ozone and fine particulate matter pollution in the Guangdong- Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area of China using a regional-to-local coupling model. J. Geo. Health, doi: 10.1029/2021GH000506.

Wang, J.Y., T.K.T. Tse, S.W. Li, and J.C.H. Fung (2022) Prediction of the typhoon wind field in Hong Kong: integrating the effects of climate change using the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Climate Dynamics,

Wang, M., Y. Zhang, J.C.H. Fung, C. Lin, and A.K.H. Lau (2022) A novel hybrid clustering model of region segmentation to fuse CMAQ simulations with observations. Atmospheric Environment,

Li, L., Y.F. Fu, J.C.H. Fung, K.T. Tse and A.K.H. Lau (2022) Development of a back-propagation neural network combined with an adaptive multi-objective particle swarm optimizer algorithm for predicting and optimizing indoor CO2 and PM2.5 concentrations. J. Building Engineering,

Wang, Y., J.C.H. Fung and X.M. Shi (2022) Deep-learning augmented data assimilation: reconstructing missing information with convolutional autoencoders. Monthly Weather Review,

Hohenberger, T.L., W.W. Che, Y. Sun. J.C.H. Fung, A.K.H. Lau (2022) Assessment of the impact of sensor errors on the representativeness of population exposure to urban pollutants. Environment International,

Chen, Y.H., J.C.H. Fung, Y. Huang, X.C. Lu, Z. Wang, P.K.K. Louie, W.Y. Chen, C.W. Yu, R. Yui and A.K.H. Lau (2022) Temporal source apportionment of PM2.5 over the Pearl River Delta region in southern China. J. Geophysical Research-Atmosphere,

Bhautmage, U.P., J.C.H. Fung, Pleim, J. and Wong, M.M.F. (2022) Urban Thermal Effects with the PX-LSM and ACM2-PBL Components of the WRF Model. J. Geophysical Research-Atmosphere. 127, e2021JD036338.

Zhang, Y.Q., Y. Chang, C.B. Wang, J.C.H. Fung and A.K.H. Lau (2022) Life-cycle energy and environmental emissions of Cargo Ships. Journal of Industrial Ecology,

Sun, H.C., J.C.H. Fung, Y. Chen, Z. Li, D. Yuan, W.Y. Chen and X.C. Lu (2022) Development of an LSTM-Broadcasting deep-learning framework for regional air pollution forecast improvement. Geoscientific Model Development-Discussions,

Lin, C., Y.S. Shan, P.K.K. Louie, Z.B. Yuan, Y. Li, M.H. Tao, C.C. Li, J.C.H. Fung, Z. Ning, A.K.H. Lau and X.Q. Lao (2022) Risk tradeoffs between nitrogen dioxide and ozone pollution during the COVID-19 lockdowns in the Greater Bay area of China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 13,

Lin, C., P.K.K. Louie, A.K.H. Lau, J.C.H. Fung, Z. Yuan, M.H. Tao, X. Zhang, M.S. Hossain, C.C. Li and X.Q. Lao (2022) Net effect of air pollution controls on health risk in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region during the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics. J. Environmental Sciences,

Lin, C., P.K.K. Louie, A.K.H. Lau, J.C.H. Fung, Z.B. Yuan, M.H. Tao, X. Zhang, M.S. Hossain, C. Li, X.Q. Lao (2022) Net effect of air pollution controls on health risk in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region during the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 135,




Lu, X.C., D.H. Yuan, Y. Chen and J.C.H. Fung* (2021) Impacts of urbanization and long-term meteorological variations on global PM2.5 and its associated health burden, Environmental Pollution,

Huang, Y.Q., X.C. Lu, J.C.H. Fung*, G. Sarwar, Z.N. Li, Q.Y. Li, A. Saiz-Lopez and A.K.H. Lau (2021) Effect of bromine and iodine chemistry on tropospheric ozone over Asia-Pacific using the CMAQ model. Chemosphere, 262,

Zhang, X, J.C.H. Fung*, A.K.H. Lau, M.S. Hossain, P.K.K. Louie and W. Huang (2021) Air quality and synergistic health effects of ozone and nitrogen oxides in response to China s integrated air quality control policies during 2015-2019. Chemosphere, 268,

Lu, X.C., Y.H. Sha, Z.N. Li, Y.Q. Huang, W.Y. Chen, D.H. Chen, J. Shen, Y.A. Chen* and J.C.H. Fung* (2021) Development and application of a hybrid long-short term memory three dimensional variational technique for the improvement of PM2.5 forecasting. Science of the Total Environment,

Liu, C., S.Q. Zhang, G. Yang, Y.H. Wang, L.F. Sheng, H.W. Gao and J.C.H. Fung (2021) Optimal estimation of initial concentrations and emission sources with 4D-Var for air pollution prediction in a 2D transport model. Science of the Total Environment, 773,

Song, Y., C. Lin, Y. Li, A.K.H. Lau, J.C.H. Fung, X. Lu, C. Guo, J. Ma and X.Q. Lao (2021) An improved decomposition method to differentiate meteorological and anthropogenic effects on air pollution: a national study in China during the COVID-19 lockdown period, Atmospheric Environment,

Su, L., J.C.H. Fung, J.L Li, and W.K. Wong (2021) Trends in diurnal cycle of summertime rainfall over coastal South China in the past 135 years: characteristics and possible causes. J. Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi: 10.1029/2020JD033621.

Zhang, X., J.C.H. Fung*, A.K.H. Lau, S.Q. Zhang, and W. Huang (2021) Improved modeling of spatiotemporal variations of fine particulate matter using a three-dimensional variational data fusion method. J. Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi: 10.1029/2020JD033599.

Chen, W.Y., Y. Chen , Y.Q. Huang, X.C. Lu*, J.Z. Yu, J.C.H. Fung*, C.Q. Lin, Y.L. Yan, L. Peng, P.K.K. Louie, F.C.V. Tam , D.L. Yue, A.K.H. Lau and L.J. Zhong (2021) Source apportionment of fine secondary inorganic aerosol over the Pearl River Delta region using a hybrid method. Atmospheric Pollution Research,

Lam, Y.F., C.C. Cheung, X. Zhang, J.S. Fu and J.C.H. Fung (2021) Development of new emission reallocation method for industrial nonpoint source in China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,

Lin, C., K.K.M. Leung, A.L.C. Yu, R.C.W. Tsang, W.B.C. Tsui, J.C.H. Fung, E.K.W. Ng, M.S.L. Cheung, A.W.Y. Tang, Z. Ning, Y. Li, T. Zhang and A.K.H. Lau (2021) Effects of Synoptic Patterns on the Vertical Structure of Ozone in Hong Kong Using Lidar Measurement. Atmospheric Environment,

Lam M.C. and J.C.H. Fung (2021) Model sensitivity evaluation for 3DVAR data assimilation applied on WRF with a nested domain configuration. Atmosphere,

He, Y.Y, C. Ren, H.W.L. Mak, C.Q. Lin, Z. Wang, J.C.H. Fung, Y. Li, A.K.H. Lau and E. Ng (2021) Investigations of high-density urban boundary layer under summer prevailing wind conditions with Doppler LiDAR: A case study in Hong Kong. Urban Climate,

Hohenberger, T.L., Che, W.W., J.C.H. Fung and A.K.H. Lau (2021) A proposed population-health based metric for evaluating representativeness of air quality monitoring in cities: Using Hong Kong as a demonstration. PLoS ONE,

Lin, C. A.K.H. Lau, J.C.H. Fung, Y.S. Song, Y. Li, M.H. Tao, X.C. Lu, J. Ma and X.Q. Lao (2021) Removing the effects of meteorological factors on changes in nitrogen dioxide and ozone concentrations in China from 2013 to 2020. Science of the Total Environment,

Zhang, Y.Q., S. Eastham, A.K.H. Lau, J.C.H. Fung and N.S. Selin (2021) Global Air Quality and Health Impacts of Domestic and International Shipping. Environ. Res. Lett.,

Li, Y., H.X. Xu, K.Y. Tang, A.K.H. Lau, J.C.H. Fung and X. Zhang (2021) An ensemble assessment of the effectiveness of vehicular emission control programs for air quality improvement in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment,

Li, L, Y. Fu, J.C.H. Fung, H. Qu and A.K.H. Lau (2021) Development of a back-propagation neural network and adaptive grey wolf optimizer algorithm for thermal comfort and energy consumption prediction and optimization. Energy & Buildings,

Sun, H., J.C.H. Fung, Y. Chen, W. Chen, Z. Li, Y. Huang, C. Lin, M. Hu and X. Lu (2021) Improvement of PM2.5 and O3 forecasting by integration of 3D numerical simulation with deep learning techniques. Sustainable Cities and Society,




An, K., S.M. Wong, J.C.H. Fung and E. Ng (2020) Revisit of prevailing practice guidelines and investigation of topographical treatment techniques in CFD-based air ventilation assessments. Building and Environment, 169, 1-18,

Che W., H.C. Frey, J.C.H. Fung, Z. Ning, H. Qu, H.K. Lo, L. Chen, T.W. Wong, M.K.M. Wong, O.C.W. Lee, D. Carruthers, F. Cheung, J.W.M. Chan, D.W. Yeung, Y.H. Fung, X. Zhang, J. Stocker, C. Hood, T.L. Hohenberger, K.W. Leung, P.Y.K. Louie, L.T. Yui, S. Li, P. Wei, Z. Li, Y. Zhang, M. Wang, Q. Shen, W. Huang, E. Lee, A. Patwary, X. Lei, S. Cheng, M.S. Hossain, K.T.J. Tang, X.Q. Lao, R. Leung, D. Chan, Y. Li, Z. Yuan, A.K.H. Lau (2020) PRAISE-HK: A personalized real-time air quality informatics system for citizen participation in exposure and health risk management. Sustainable Cities and Society, 54, 1-17, 101986.

Yao, T., Y. Li, J.H. Gao, J.C.H. Fung*, S.Y. Wang, Y.J. Li, C.K. Chan and A.K.H. Lau (2020) Source apportionment of secondary organic aerosols in the Pearl River Delta region: Contribution from the oxidation of semi-volatile and intermediate volatility primary organic aerosols. Atmospheric Environment, 222, 1-10,

Lin C.Q., A.K.H. Lau, X.Q. Lao, J.C.H. Fung, X. Lu, Z.Y. Li, J. Ma, C.C. Li, A.H.S. Wong (2020) A novel framework for decomposing PM2.5 variation and demographic change effects on human exposure using satellite observations, Environmental Research, 182, 1-9,

Lin, C.Q., L.D. Labzovskii, H.W.L. Mak, J.C.H. Fung, A.K.H. Lau, S.T. Kenea, M. Bilal, J.D.V. Hey; X.C. Lu and J. Ma (2020) Observation of PM2.5 using a combination of satellite remote sensing and low-cost sensor network in Siberian urban areas with limited reference monitoring. Atmospheric Environment, 227, 1-11,

Zhang, X, J.C.H. Fung*, Y.M. Zhang, A.K.H. Lau, K.K.M. Leung and W. Huang (2020) Assessing PM2.5 emissions in 2020: the impacts of integrated emission control policies in China. Environmental Pollution,

Li, Q.Y., A. Badia1, T. Wang, G. Sarwar, X. Fu, L. Zhang, Q. Zhang, J. Fung, C.A. Cuevas, S.S. Wang, B. Zhou, and A. Saiz-Lopez (2020) Potential Effect of Halogens on Atmospheric Oxidation and Air Quality in China. J. Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,

Lu, X.C. Y. Chen, Y.Q. Huang, D. Chen; J. Shen; C.Q. Lin, Z.Y. Li, J.C.H. Fung* and A.K.H. Lau (2020) Exposure and mortality apportionment of PM2.5 between 2006 and 2015 over the Pearl River Delta region in southern China. Atmospheric Environment, 231,

Lin, C.Q., A.K.H. Lau, J.C.H. Fung, C. Guo, J.W.M. Chan, D.W. Yeung, Y. Zhang, Y. Bo, M.S Hossain, Y.Q. Zeng and X.Q. Lao (2020) A mechanism-based parameterisation scheme to investigate the association between transmission rate of COVID-19 and meteorological factors on plains in China. Science of the Total Environment, 737, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140348.

Yeung, P.K., J.C.H. Fung, C. Ren, Y. Xu, K. Huang, K. Huang, J. Leng and M.M.F. Wong (2020) Investigating future urbanization s impact on local climate under different climate change scenarios in mega-urban regions: A case study of the Pearl River Delta, China. Atmosphere, 11, 771; doi:10.3390/atmos11070771.

Morrison, D, J.J. Li, I. Crawford, W.W. Che, M. Flynn, M.N. Chan, A.K.H. Lau, J.C.H. Fung, D. Topping, J.Z. Yu, and M. Gallagher (2020) The observation and characterisation of fluorescent bioaerosols using real-time UV-LIF spectrometry in Hong Kong from June to November, 2018. Atmosphere, 11, 944; doi:10.3390/atmos11090944.

Lu, X.C., D.H. Yuan, Y. Chen, J.C.H. Fung*, W.K. Li and A.K.H. Lau (2020) Estimations of long-term nss-SO42- and NO3- wet depositions over East Asia by use of ensemble machine- learning methods. Environmental Science and Technology, doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c01068.



Huang, Y.Q., T. Yao, J.C.H. Fung*, X.C. Lu, A.K.H. Lau (2019) Application of air parcel residence time analysis for air pollution prevention and control policy in the Pearl River Delta region. Sci. Total Environment, 658, 744-752,

An, K., S.M. Wong and J.C.H. Fung (2019) Exploration of sustainable building morphologies for effective passive pollutant dispersion within compact urban environments. Building and Environment, 148, 508-523,

Zhang, Y.Q., J.C.H. Fung; J.W.M. Chan and A.K.H. Lau (2019) The significance of incorporating unidentified vessels into AIS-based ship emission inventory. Atmospheric Environment, 203, 102-113,

You, C. and J.C.H. Fung (2019) Characteristics of sea-breeze circulation in the Pearl River Delta Region and its dynamical diagnosis. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58, 741-755,

Lin, C.Q., A.K.H. Lau, J.C.H. Fung, X.Q. Lao, Y. Li and C.C Li (2019) Assessing the effect of the long-term variations in aerosol characteristics on satellite remote sensing of PM2.5 using an observation-based model. Environmental Science and Technology, 53, 2,990-3,000, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b06358.

Wong M.M.F., J.C.H. Fung* and P.P.S. Yeung (2019) High-resolution calculation of the urban vegetation fraction in the Pearl River Delta from the Sentinel-2 NDVI for urban climate model parameterization. Geoscience Letters, 6, 1-10, doi: 10.1186/s40562-019-0132-4.

You, C., J.C.H. Fung and J.W.P. Tse (2019) Response of the sea-breeze to urbanization in the Pearl River Delta Region. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58, 1,449-1,463,

Lu, X., Y. Chen; Y.Q. Huang; C.Q. Lin, Z.Y. Li, J.C.H. Fung* and A.H.K. Lau (2019) Differences in concentration and source apportionment of PM2.5 between 2006 and 2015 over the PRD region in southern China. Science of the Total Environment, 673, 708-718,

An, K., J.C.R. Hunt and J.C.H. Fung (2019) Downwind flow behaviors of cuboid-shaped obstacles: Modeling and experiments. Engineering and Computational Mechanics, 172, 12-32,

Chun, Y.D., J.C.H. Fung* and J. Pleim (2019) Momentum drag effect over urbanized areas in the ACM2 PBL component of the WRF model. J. Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 4,460-4,476,

Wong, M.M.F., J.C.H. Fung*, J. Ching, P.P.S. Yeung, J.W.P. Tse, C. Ren, R. Wang and M. Cai (2019) Evaluation of uWRF performance and modeling guidance based on WUDAPT and NUDAPT UCP datasets for Hong Kong. Urban Climate, 28, 1-24,

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Fung, J.C.H., J.C.R. Hunt and R.J. Perkins (2003) Diffusivities and velocity spectra of small inertial particles in turbulent-like flows. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 459, 445-493.

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Fung, J.C.H., J.C.R. Hunt, N.A. Malik and R.J. Perkins (1992) Kinematic simulation of homogeneous turbulent flows generated by unsteady random Fourier modes. J. Fluid Mech., 236, 281-317.

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Technical Reports


Fung J.C.H. (1991) Atmospheric dispersion around groups of buildings. Report to the Ministry of Defence, UK.


Perkins R.J., J.C.H. Fung and J.C.R. Hunt (1991) Simulation of dispersion in the deep ocean - an application of cloud dispersion model. Report to SAIC Dellevue, Washington.


Lau, A.K.H., W.M. Wu, J.C.H. Fung, R.C. Henry and B. Barron (2005) Significant marine source for SO2 levels in Hong Kong. Technical Report for Civic-Exchange.


Ng, E., A. Chan, P. Jones, J.C.H. Fung and S.C. Kot (2007) Advisory report on AVA - Tamar Development Project, Planning Department of HKSAR.


Fung J.C.H., S.H.L.Yim and K. An (2009) Air ventilation assessment of the Oil Street planning area by CFD approach. Available at


Fung J.C.H. and J.C.R. Hunt (2013) China seeks to curb worst air pollution in 50 years. Guardian, Available at




Book Chapters



1.     Hunt J.C.R., Carruthers D.J. and Fung J.C.H. 1991 Rapid distortion theory as a means of exploring the structure of turbulence. New Perspectives in Turbulence (ed. L. Sirovich), Springer-Verlag, 55-103.


2.     Fung J.C.H. (1991) Atmospheric dispersion around groups of buildings. Report to the Ministry of Defence, UK.


3.     Jerram N., Perkins R.J., Fung J.C.H., Davidson M.J., Belcher S.E. and Hunt J.C.R. 1995 Atmospheric flow through groups of buildings and dispersion from localised sources. Wind Climate in Cities (eds. J.E. Cermak et al.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 109-130.